The first thing you should notice about this new version of the logo is that it is really all about the Group. The group is what has gotten us to where we are today, and continues to be the driving force. Because a community doesn't survive on it's own, it takes the whole group.
Our little community started out as the Web Design and Development group at Google Groups, with the online short name of SiteDesign.
We had since expanded onto facebook, but they quickly became everyone's worst security risk and remain a constant security breach, not just for people, but for any size business (I honestly believe that eventually, if not already, anyone doing business with Facebook is degrading their brand to new lows and open themselves up to ridicule, shaming and humiliation).
I set-up a Google+ Community for us, but Google very obviously, quickly, and very easily abandoned us.
The only other social platforms that's still hosting the group in a web rich environment is not-so-web-friendly LinkedIn. You have limited control over your limited character count posts and can only upload one image per post, but it is available as the Web Design and Development group and it is listed in the LinkedIn groups directory. Unfortunately, LinkedIn is clueless as far as sharing (other than posts/reposts to your own timeline or portfolio), as well.
I am also maintaining a presence on Twitter as Web Design and Development group
Still, this group remains a User Group intended to promote, support and advance professional web design and development techniques.
Members post to the group list to discuss and share almost any subject related to web design and development, including...
Quite simply, this group is intended for anyone seriously interested in professional web design.
However, as web designers, developers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, small businesses, corporate officers and/or business men, we are also sick of spam. Spam is intended to distract employees and slow down businesses. Spam is a criminal act against any and all businesses. If effectively and efficiently slows or cripples freelancing, entrepreneurs and small businesses the most. Therefore, this group is intended to be spam free. Spammers are immediately banned from the group. Note that any affiliate link is also considered spam. Affiliates only push traffic to a market for a price, they do not support the product/service and have no investment in your purchase. Posting an affiliate link is posting spam and will be dealt with as such.
The Web Design and Development Group also requires a certain degree of professionalism in our group communications. All members must practice good netiquette with each post. Without this requirement we will have flames and the chaos which ensues. Respect for each other, as well as each other's opinions is mandatory. We don't just have professional membership, but students, teachers and businessmen building their own site for the very first time, as well.
We hope you will find and help build a considerate, helpful and knowledgeable community of individuals from all walks of life.
Please note that there is more yet to come at this site. As of July 12th, 2013, I setup this page after a few headaches with my CSS (yes, I still need help, too. LOL). Now I have to decide which content management system to run, install it, add some different page designs, blah, blah... but the point is that I am doing this in my spare time. You are welcome to encourage me through the online groups, though.
See you there!
The website is sponsored by the W3DN (WorldWide Web Domain Names and Services) offering wholesale prices for businesses and pro domainers that require wholesale/bulk internet services. And by Domain Hostmaster, the little registrar targetting webmasters, onine professionals and small busineses with the best retail prices and telephone support on domain names and webmaster related services, featuring a stripped-down webstore without all the service offerings that compete with your own (for designers, developers, marketers and optimizers, etc.).